Author: Michael Murray

Book Compares Presidential Press Treatment

Jon Marshall, “CLASH: Presidents and the Press in Times of Crisis.” Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press. Potomac Books. 2022. 413 pages. $36.95. Widely acknowledged as one of the leading scholars writing about the intersection of presidential history and American journalism, Jon Marshall of Northwestern University, has made yet another critically important contribution to the

National Documentary Traces the Life and Legacy of Joseph Pulitzer

Joseph Pulitzer had an incredible journey and made a major impact on America. So it is strange that his story, beyond the award bearing his name, is not better known. With just a few of his accomplishments, one might expect greater awareness of his importance: arriving in the U.S. as a penniless immigrant, serving in

University Honors for ‘All American’ Journalist: Bill McClellan

by Michael D. Murray   “St. Louis Post-Dispatch” Columnist, Bill McClellan, received the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Humane Letters, Saturday, May 13, at University of Missouri-St. Louis Commencement ceremonies held on campus in the Mark Twain Gym. He was introduced by UM Curators Distinguished Teaching Professor, Mike Murray, on behalf of the faculty. “I

CBS' ongoing coverage of Columbia Tribune sports editor murder

Looking for a long-term commitment in covering a complicated local crime story? As the skeptics say, “Good luck with that!” So it’s well worth noting that both Columbia, Mo., daily newspapers have weighed in recently on the long-term, multiple-part commitment by CBS’ “48 Hours” in covering the 2001 murder case of Columbia Tribune sports editor