Tag: media coverage

Libel decision shut down segregationists clinging to Jim Crow

To understand why New York Times v. Sullivan is one of the great First Amendment victories of the past century, take a journey back to the segregated America of the1960s. America was a place where racial segregation and discrimination were the law of the land and a way of life in the South, Midwest and

Covering the LGBTQ community, and its haters

CHICAGO – Adam Rhodes, the social justice reporter for the Reader, said the importance of re-examining how we cover anti-LGBTQ groups is matched by a reckoning with how we cover the gay community. “The media industry has just started to give a shit about trans people,” he said. “We’ve been trained to not care about

The New York Times gets all politics right. Or wrong.

By GEORGE SALAMON / The headline on p. A1 of the June 16 New York Times read: “Population Shifts Turning All Politics National.” The story by Ashley Parker and Jonathan Martin drew that conclusion from the results of two elections, the one in Virginia that cost Eric Cantor his position as majority leader in the

Media report on shootings but miss many gun-related stories

BY WILLIAM A. BABCOCK / According to the Los Angeles Times on Wednesday, the three stories constituting news for that paper’s “The Nation” section on pages A 10 and 11 were all shooting related. This is not to say these three stories were neither of national importance, nor that they failed to