Author: Charles L. Klotzer

Founder's note

A founder's note from Charles Klotzer: "In the print version of my article in the Winter 2013 edition of Gateway Journalism Review, I failed to note that in the late 1980s Roland Klose was the assistant editor of SJR for several years. My apologies for this oversight. Congratulations also to Klose for being named the

Illinois, Missouri universities fall short of protecting free expression

The First Amendment protects free expression. That, however, covers only governmental acts, “Congress shall make no law . . . ,” it says. That threat by officialdom is ever-present. But we are also facing a similar threat by private centers of power that may actually interfere more directly with our lives. Greg Lakianoff, president of


The St. Louis Journalism Review, Gateway Journalism Review celebrate 40 years of service with a Celebration of 40 for the St. Louis Journalism Review and its transfer to Southern Illinois Univer viagra canadian pharmacy sity Carbondale and the Gateway Journalism Review. Join Bob Woodward via satellite and Russ Mitchell will be at the event which

Anderson Cooper Upholds Ethics in Journalism

CNN’s coverage of the popular uprisings in Egypt and other countries has brought to the forefront once again the question: If reporters know that official statements or press releases do not reflect what is happening on the ground, should they report it without comment? Should they ignore it, or should they report it with a

Media Knew in the 1930s: Tobacco is a Poison

Column Opening statements were made on Jan. 31 in a 13-year-old suit filed in 1998 by the City of St. Louis against American Tobacco, reported the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. In all, 37 plaintiffs, primarily hospitals, are targeting 11 tobacco manufacturers. “Ken Brostron, a lawyer representing the hospitals, argued that tobacco companies knew as far back