An older man meets clandestinely at night with several young people beside a building in midtown St. Louis. He hauls items from his vehicle to give them. They talk about 10 minutes and then go their separate ways. A drug ring? A cell of conspirators? An editorial meeting? It’s the third. The man is Avis
``We messed up,'' said Arnie Robbins, editor of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. He was referring to the paper's not doing a news story on a rally held downtown within walking distance of the Post on Friday, March 11. It was attended by about 5,000 people, mostly members of unions in the area.
Post-Dispatch reporter Nick Pistor broke a story about corrosion in the Gateway Arch. The gleaming stainless steel monument, at age 45, was rusting. Pistor had driven by the Arch in January and noticed gray streaks on the legs. It didn’t look good, but it was raining so he attributed the streaks to the weather. In
Since the Gateway Arch was completed in 1965 tourists and area residents have grown accustomed to seeing the Illinois side of the Mississippi River, opposite the Arch, as a wasteland of sorts. The bareness is in stark contrast to the grandeur and beauty of the Arch and the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial park on the
Put Thursday evening, December 2, on your calendar. Press Club's annual meeting will be from 6 to 8 p.m. in the beautiful Plaza Room of the Ritz-Carlton in Clayton. Dick Weiss will give us a recap of the club's very successful year and present this year's CATFISH Award. Charles Brennan will be our