Author: William H. Freivogel

Press stronger, Trump weaker after one year

By William H. Freivogel No president has created more media. No president is such a creation of media. No president has expressed such disdain for mainstream media. No president has so frequently denied facts. No president has lied so frequently. No president has so readily embraced hoaxes and conspiracy theories. No president moved so swiftly

Disinformation, distraction & diversion

By William H. Freivogel Opinion President Donald Trump, together with eager sycophants in the right-wing media and the Republican Congress, is using the oldest trick in the book to fool the American people — blame the other guy and get people to look the other way. Everyone has seen it on the playground when the

Trump’s media attacks threaten America’s fundamentals

By William H. Freivogel Opinion Most respondents — 46-37 percent — think “major news organizations fabricate” stories about President Donald Trump, a Politico-Morning Consult poll found this week. The disheartening result brings to mind the saying, “If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it.” Nearly every week Trump repeats his lie about

This isn’t funny

Opinion by William H. Freivogel My nephew, a lawyer, said recently that President Trump is hilarious. The press falls right into Trump’s trap by taking him too seriously, he said. A few days later, my tennis partner, another lawyer, said the same thing. The press takes Trump’s tweets too literally, he said. Rich Lowry, editor