Author: William H. Freivogel

Shallow media coverage leads to misperceptions in Southern Illinois

John Jackson, a veteran political scientist at the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute at Southern Illinois University, recently told a room of newspaper editors that the media are partly to blame for the misperception held by most residents of Southern Illinois that they don’t get their fair share from the government. Almost eight of ten residents

Missouri takes another shot at Whistleblowers

Last week the Missouri House passed a bill that the sponsor calls the Whistleblower Protection Act. The law actually removes protections from whistleblowers rather than enacting them. This is the latest version of a bill commonly called the Enterprise Rent-A-Car bill because the Clayton, Mo. firm has been lobbying to weaken whistleblower protections for the

Hacking sources crosses the line

British journalists seem to have been reading too many of Stieg Larsson’s books about the Girl with the Dragon Tatoo in which investigative journalist Mikael Blomkvist gets his best information from computer hacking. Sky News, part-owned by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation, admitted to The Guardian newspaper that it authorized a journalist to hack into emails to

Judge rules eavesdropping law unconstitutional

A Cook County judge became the second state judge in Illinois to rule that the state's tough eavesdropping law is unconstitutional. The judge said the law, which makes it a felony to record audio without the consent of all parties, criminalizes potentially innocent conduct. The Gateway Journalism Review followed this story for over a year.

How much freedom do students have on social media?

Kirkwood High School in suburban St. Louis is the latest public school to get caught in the uncertainties about how much free speech students have on social media. The Kirkwood Call, the school's top-notch student paper, reported (story) this week that a student was suspended for three days for a Tweet cursing a teacher. The