Category: Media

Media personalities look back

For its 50th anniversary, Gateway Journalism Review asked eight journalists from print, broadcast and online media to share memories of their careers and the stories that they remember most vividly. GJR also asked them where they get their news, where they think the news business is headed, and which reporters and editors from past decades

Local news outlets should avoid false equivalency in reporting on Covid vaccine

A recent investigative report from NBC News highlighted the danger of our pursuit of false equivalency.  As the Covid-19 vaccines have started to roll out across America, anti-vaxxers are increasingly getting the kind of mainstream news attention they’ve long sought from local news. Outlets reporting on the vaccine have described the anti-vaccination activists as advocates

Another side of protests: Small peaceful gathering in Waco

The protest that I covered in Waco, Texas on Sept. 23 was nothing like the large, occasionally violent ones held in other regions. More than 50 people attended and no one was tear-gassed or arrested. I saw only a couple of counter protesters actually approach the group, screaming “Do you know the facts of the