Author: Amelia Blakely

Gateway Journalism Review awards Freedom Fighter honors

Gateway Journalism Review honored two St. Louis journalists at its eighth annual First Amendment Celebration on April 25. Tony Messenger, a metro columnist for the St. Louis Post Dispatch, and Lauren Trager, an investigative reporter for KMOV, were awarded the Freedom Fighter Award for their work. Earlier this month Messenger won the Pulitzer Prize for

2019 Media History Foundation Hall of Fame Gala

The St. Louis Media History Foundation is inducting 12 of St. Louis’s radio and television personalities and executives, journalists, advertisers, and public relation employees into its Hall of Fame last month. The Hall of Fame Gala is March 30 at 5:30 p.m. in the Breckenridge Ballroom at the Red Lion Hotel, St. Louis City Center.

News Literacy Project’s Peter Adams on how to fight fake news

ST. LOUIS — While living in a time where fake news has become normal, a necessary skill that citizens must have is media literacy. As the featured speaker for Media Literacy week hosted by Gateway Media Literacy Partners, Peter Adams, senior vice-president of the News Literacy Project said not preparing students to navigate the complex