Donald Edward Shrubshell never married. Perhaps the constant squawking of police scanners in his car and home had something to do with it. For all of his working life until just recently, Shrubshell was a newspaper photographer. In August he reached the pinnacle of his career, learning he would be inducted into the Missouri Photojournalism
In 32 years with the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, breaking news reporter Kim Bell has conducted thousands of face-to-face interviews. On the crime beat, she visits victims’ neighbors and families to collect their stories. “Those are things I would have done before the pandemic.” Bell said recently. “Now I don’t feel comfortable knocking on peoples’ doors.”
In 2012, University of Missouri journalism professor Mike Jenner was making a presentation to students in a “Journalism and Democracy” seminar about how the tough economy had affected newspapers and what challenges reporters would face in the future. At one point a woman said, “Mike, we’ve been here four years, and this has been going
NEWS ANALYSIS When Eric Greitens announced his plans to resign as governor of Missouri, he wore his familiar executive uniform–open necked shirt, blazer and jeans–a wardrobe that was supposed to reflect an approachable administration. But Greitens, a Republican, was anything but open and available, at least as far as the news media were concerned. In
News Analysis JEFFERSON CITY — The special Missouri House committee considering whether Gov. Eric Greitens should be impeached proceeds at times like a court of law and sometimes like a political floor debate complete with shouting matches. But the 10-member panel has yet to hear anything from a star witness, the man who is the