Notes on Ferguson

No wonder people get frustrated with the media.  On a CBS network report, reporter Omar Villafranca reported that Clayton “bordered” Ferguson.  After being called to his attention, he later tweeted he made a mistake.  He wasn’t alone.  Reuters apparently described The Loop in University City as being “downtown.”

KMOV Channel 4 provided a great example of a worthless live shot on November 17 at 6pm.  The story had Robin Smith reporting live on the Ferguson situation.  But was she in Ferguson?  No, she was standing out in front of the television station.  While they did acknowledge she was downtown, it would have been more appropriate to simply have her report from inside the studio.  This is the kind of gimmick that causes people to lose faith in local news.  It is called being “live for live’s sake.”  There was absolutely no reason for her live appearance outside other than for the dramatic affect.

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