Media trends complicate Democrats’ goal to win statewide races

By Robert Koenig >> Democrats hoping to break the Republican lock on Missouri statewide races are likely to face a daunting media landscape of news silos, “news deserts” and a decline in newspaper endorsements in the years ahead. In November, every statewide Democratic candidate lost by a substantial margin to his or her Republican opponent

Facts, lies, elections and the press: In search of a shared national story

By William H. Freivogel >> “Facts can’t fix this.” That was the headline that emerged from a post-election discussion recently at the Berkman Klein Center at Harvard Law School about how the press fell short covering the presidential election. The point: The press constantly repeating facts and pointing out lies won’t stop a man like

Missouri’s broad redaction law declared unconstitutional

By William H. Freivogel >> Updated Dec. 22: A state judge ruled Dec. 20 that Missouri’s strict law redacting the names of witnesses and victims from court records violated both the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and the Open Courts provision of the Missouri Constitution. Judge Aaron J. Martin, ruling out of Cole County