Author: Editor

Political cartoons

Students in the “Cartooning” class at Columbia College Chicago created cartoons about the 2024 election. The class is taught by Richard Laurent, who worked as an editorial cartoonist for the Chicago Sun-Times. Laurent is an adjunct at Columbia. Some of the cartoons were first published in the Columbia Chronicle and are reprinted with permission.

BREAKING: Missouri, Gateway Pundit lose speech case in U.S. Supreme Court

By William H. Freivogel Missouri and the right-wing Gateway Pundit lost their U.S. Supreme Court claims that the Biden administration had coerced social media companies to suppress their free speech by removing false and dangerous internet posts about COVID-19, vaccinations and election denial. The vote was 6-3 with three of the more moderate conservatives joining

Speech we don’t like needs most protection

By William H. Freivogel The tricky thing about the First Amendment is that you have to protect the speech you hate as fiercely as the speech you love.   You have to protect leftist speech as much as rightist speech. Communists as much as fascists. Religious fundamentalists as much as atheists. Calls for war as much