Category: LEDE

Marshall Project opens local newsroom in St. Louis

By Elizabeth Tharakan >> The Marshall Project opened a local nonprofit newsroom in St. Louis to support local media with investigative and data journalism about the criminal justice system. St. Louis is the third city in the New York-based Marshall Project’s local network. The other two are Clevaland and Jackson, Mississippi.  “This newsroom is several

Opinion: The month that shook our world

By William H. Freivogel >> French publication Le Monde headlined this week that it was “The week the US shook Europe’s world.” Americans could justifiably say it’s the month that shook ours. There is no precedent for President Donald Trump’s massive restructuring of the government with a flurry of executive orders, pronouncements, firings and pardons

Op-Ed: Super Bowl halftime show a cultural wake-up call

By Michelle Gaber >> American rapper Kendrick Lamar headlined the Super Bowl halftime show on Sunday, delivering a performance that wasn’t just entertainment. It was a statement. A warning. A mirror held up to America.  Every moment—every lyric, visual, and movement—was intentional. And if you were really paying attention, you felt it. More than music,